Hey, I am

Alexander Schoch

Chemical Engineer and Full Stack Web Developer based in Zurich, Swizerland

In need of a user-friendly, beautiful, fast, secure, accessible, reliable, maintainable and open source Web Application?

About Me


Hello there! I'm Alex, a lucernian with a unique blend of skills in chemical engineering and full-stack web development.

As a chemical engineer, I thrive on solving complex problems and optimizing processes. My expertise lies in modeling of phyico-chemical systems, and I am dedicated to applying my knowledge to create innovative solutions.

On the digital front, I'm a dedicated full-stack web developer with a strong commitment to the principles of free and open source software (FOSS). From crafting seamless user experiences to building robust and secure backend systems, I thrive on the power of collaboration and the ethos of sharing knowledge. My tech stack includes Next.js, tailwindcss, React.js, GraphQL, etc., with a special emphasis on leveraging the advantages of open source solutions.

Bridging the realms of chemical engineering and software development, I am on a mission to demystify the intricacies of chemistry and process modeling. In the lab, I navigate the world of chemical engineering, optimizing processes and solving challenges. Simultaneously, on the digital frontier, I channel my expertise into developing software that brings this complex science to life in a user-friendly way.

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My Applications


Cocktails is an application that keeps track of the availability of all mixing ingredients at my flat. Based on cocktail recipes and prices for each item, it can calculate the availability of each cocktail and calculate the price for all possible combinations for each cocktail.



ExBeerience is a beer tasting application designed for the VSETH ExBeerience commission. It allows rating beers as well as assigning a flavour profile for each beer, giving valuable feedback to the breweries and allowing attendees to know what they might like.



Geography is an online implementation of 'Stadt, Land, Fluss'. Players can create games, invite their friends, set categories and start the round. Every round, players have to come up with an example for each category, starting with a randomly assigned letter. After each round, all answers are reviewed by all players.



This application is what you are viewing right now. It hosts a summary of most of my tools, my CV and also some general information about me.



Jukebox is an application for music management among friends and family. Anyone can queue music, no login or supscription required.



Newsletter is the application that is used by VSETH to check entries and generate and send their by-weekly newsletter. This reduces the work of the communications team to the bare minimum, the rest is done by the tool.



PapperlaWeb is the website of PapperlaPub, which also generates the menu.


Polyband Leadsheet Archive

Polyband Leadsheet Archive is an application that makes available in a structured way all the leadsheets of the official Realbooks. It allows searching for a standard and then downloading the leadsheet in the desired key.



Znacht is an application which I wrote for a flat of a few friends. It allow them to coordinate daily who is home for dinner.
