Curriculum Vitae


  1. Primary School

    Primarschule Schongau

    6288 Schongau

  2. Gymnasium

    Kantonsschule Seetal

    6283 Baldegg

  3. Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

    D-CHAB, ETH Zürich

    8092 Zürich

  4. Master of Process Engineering

    D-MAVT, ETH Zürich

    8092 Zürich

Work Experience

  1. Moelbert AG

    Office / Electronics

    As part of the Autobahn Zürich Nordring Project, I double tested the software of Moelbert AG (A small company for traffic engineering) with corresponding signals. For that, I created electronic circuits in order to simulate specific situations and test the functionality of the network. This also required to check and understand the data about all signals on this part of the highway.

  2. D-HEST, ETH Zurich

    Chemistry Lab Assistant

    In the general chemistry lab course for the second semester students of health science and technology, I taught the weekly "Synthesis of Aspirin / Synthesis of Soap" lab course. The students were tasked to perform the experiments, write a lab journal about what they did and were asked questions in order to understand what is going on. Due to the corona outbreak, this course was only taught for three weeks.


    PVK Assistant

    Together with a friend, I taught an exam preparation course (PVK) for the inorganic chemistry / chemical bonds and kinetics / electrochemistry parts for the study association of environmental scientists (UFO). For that, scripts with exercises were written.

  4. D-CHAB, ETH Zurich

    Exercise Assistant for Informatik I

    First semester Students of chemistry, chemical engineering and interdisciplinary sciences visit the Informatics I course. For this, they have to solve programming exercise in C++ and bash and visit an exercise session for this every week. This required a good understanding of both bash and C++, as well as being a power user for the GNU/Linux operating system, on which this course was held.


    PVK Assistant

    For the first semester students of the chemical students association, I tought a 12 hour interactive course in informatics, specifically important concepts and inner workings of a compouter, as well as the UNIX terminal and the C++ programming language.

  6. D-CHAB, ETH Zurich

    Lab Assistant

    Every week, I supervised a new group of students for the experiments "Vapour Pressure" and "Boiling Diagrams", in which the students gain a deeper understanding of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the Wilson model. I tought them how to evaluate their data using the R language and how to write lab reports.

  7. Novamem AG

    Membrane Engineer

    In order to try and produce a fluorine-free venting membrane, I iterated a recipe to improve air flow and water entry pressure by varying several parameters, producing the membrane and then measuring it.

  8. Self-Employed

    Web Developer

    For ETH Zurich and Unbound Potential GmbH, I developed web applications (Next.js/React, GraphQL, TailwindCSS) for process automation given the specification of my clients. This includes the initial development, bug fixing, new features, documentation and support.


  1. VCS - Chemistry Students Association


    In VCS, the student association of chemists, chemical engineers and interdisciplinary sciences at ETH Zurich, I was responsible for the website, emails, soda machine, social media bots and everything else IT-related.

  2. TheAlternative

    President / Vice President / Events

    TheAlternative organizes and runs the LinuxDays, a series of talks/courses about Linux and Free and Open Source Software. I currently give a talk on Git and GitLab and run the Install Events.

  3. VSETH - Association of Students at ETH

    Internal Affairs

    In the VSETH board, I was responsible for all student associations, commissions, associated and recognized organizations. External relations were also part of my portfolio.

  4. ExBeerience Commission

    Kanzler / Hutmacher

    ExBeKo is a VSETH commission that organizes two craft beer festivals at ETH, as well as a few beer tastings throughout the year. My job there was to write protocols for meetings and do software development for the beer tasting application, which can be found at

  5. Polyband

    Vice President / President

    In Polyband, the big band of UZH and ETH, I was responsible for marketing and advertising, as well as for organizing some events like the rehearsal weekend or the fondue evening. Since I was also a pianist, I also took care of the set-up at concerts.

  6. AMIV an der ETH - Academic Mechanical and Electrical Engineers Association


    At AMIV, I managed the IT infrastructure with its server cluster and many applications. I also organized a semesterly coding weekend where we spent a weekend developing for AMIV's IT infrastructure.